Twisted Spirit Yoga & Healing

100% Twisted support for Whitney! (donation based)
with Sam

May 19 (Sunday)
at 10:00 am

Class length
90 minutes

Studio 2

 Please join us for a donation based class in support of one of our own yogis, Whitney Connors. In Feb of 2023 Whitney was diagnosed with advanced heart failure, at the age of only 37. She is a mom of two young children. She is now on several expensive medications that she will need to take indefinitely. And her medical bills have been piling up after 9 hospitalizations over the past year. In honor of Whitney we will be offering a slow flow and meditation class on Sunday May 19th at 10am. The cost is whatever you would like to donate! Several of our Twisted teachers will be there offering hands on adjustments, massage, and reiki throughout class, with a guided meditation before Savasana.
Please reserve your spot so we have enough teachers present to accommodate.


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